로그인 회원가입

팽 하고 날다 영어로

"팽 하고 날다" 뜻

영어 번역mobile phone모바일

  • whistle
  • whiffle
  •     팽 ☞ 빙 1, 3, 4
  • 하고    하고 [및] and; [함께] with; along[together]
  • 날다    날다11 (공중을) fly; soar; take wing; take
  • 날다    날다11 (공중을) fly; soar; take wing; take flight; rise in the air; (나비·곤충이) flutter[flit] about; (솔개·수리가) wheel; (바람에) blow. 나는 새 a flying bird / a bird of the air / a bird flying in the air / a bird on
  • 팽 오 쇼콜라    Pain au chocolat
  • 핀 팽 품    Fin Fang Foom
  • -하고    with
  • 하고    하고 [및] and; [함께] with; along[together] with. 아버지~ 아들 father and son. 그 사람 ~ 함께 살다 live in the same house with him.
  • 높이 날다    fly high
  • 스쳐 날다    ricochet
  • 훨훨 날다    flit
  • 날다람쥐    날다람쥐 a flying squirrel.
  • 날다람쥐 naldaramjwi    flying squirrel
  • 날다람쥐류    flying squirrel
  • 날다람쥐족    Flying squirrel
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